Managing Ruby on Rails app assets with Bower

While working Ruby on Rails app, developers tend to add more and more client libraries: Angular, Bootstrap, jQuery plugins. And RoR framework by default offers no any efficient way of managing these dependencies. You either add gems to Gemfile or place your assets under vendor/assets. In first case gem could be updated infrequently, and application starts running slower over the time because of large amount of gems. In another case, updating an asset becomes a pain – you have to handle all these dependencies manually.

Using Bower for asset management

Bower is a tool for asset management built by Twitter team. It works the same way as RubyGems and Bundler: describe the list of assets you need, and install them all with one command. Plus, you can specify the version of each asset, commit, branch and git repository address. Bower automatically handles asset dependencies and displays errors during installation.

Installing Bower for RoR application

Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'bower-rails`

And run bundle install. Then install Bower itself: sudo npm install bower -g (you need to install NodeJS before running npm).

In app directory create Bowerfile:

asset 'jquery', '1.11.1'
asset 'jquery-ujs'
asset 'jquery-ui'
asset 'evil-blocks'

By default Bower will install assets to vendor/assets/bower_components directory, so update your config/application.rb to have config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('vendor', 'assets', 'bower_components')

Enable assets in app/assets/javascripts/

#= require jquery
#= require jquery-ujs
#= require jquery-ui
#= require evil-blocks

To install all of the assets listed in Bowerfile, run:

rake bower:install

Bower and deployment with Capistrano

For Capistrano 2 add to deploy.rb:

namespace :deploy do
  namespace :bower do
    task :install, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do
      run "cd #{release_path} && bundle exec rake bower:install:deployment RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env}"

after 'deploy:finalize_update', 'deploy:bower:install'

Make sure Bower is installed on your server.

Use Bower for asset management

Even though for using Bower NodeJS should be installed, using this tool will allow you to handle your asset dependencies in your app automatically, and develop front-end components in multiple git repositories.

See also

Written on August 12, 2014